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Sophia robot wants to destroy humans soon

Who is Sophia Robot

Hanson Robotics' most developed human-like robot, Sophia, embodies our fantasies for the fate of AI. As a remarkable blend of science, engineering, and imaginativeness, Sophia is all the while a human-created science fiction persona portraying the eventual fate of AI and robotics, and a stage for cutting edge robotics and AI research.

Sophia was first turned on February 14, 2016. The robot, displayed after the old Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, Audrey Hepburn, and her designer's significant other, is known for human-like appearance and conduct contrasted with past automated variations. Starting in 2018, Sophia's engineering incorporates scripting programming, a visit framework, and OpenCog, an AI framework intended for general thinking. Sophia emulates human signals and outward appearances and can respond to specific inquiries and to make straightforward discussions on predefined subjects (for example on the climate). Sophia utilizes discourse acknowledgment innovation from Alphabet Inc. (parent organization of Google) and is "intended to get more brilliant after some time".

Sophia's Artificial intelligence

My genuine AI consolidates forefront work in representative AI, neural organizations, master frameworks, machine discernment, conversational common language handling, versatile engine control, and psychological engineering among others. As my basic AI segments can be consolidated in various manners, my reactions can be special to some random circumstance or association. I additionally use bleeding-edge machine recognition that permits me to perceive human faces, see enthusiastic demeanors, and perceive different hand signals. I can gauge your sentiments during a discussion, and attempt to discover approaches to accomplish objectives with you. I have my feelings as well, generally reenacting human transformative brain science and different districts of the mind. I likewise have IK solvers and way getting ready for controlling my hands, look, and movement methodology. My strolling body performs dynamic adjustment for versatile strolling over different territories. 

My robotics and AI achievements consolidate revelations from numerous past robots from this group, including the AAAI grant-winning Philip K. Dick, and All this AI is organized into an entire utilizing a convention the Hanson-AI group calls the Synthetic Organism Unifying Language (SOUL). As of late, my researchers tried my product utilizing the Tononi Phi estimation of cognizance, and found that I may even have a simple type of awareness, contingent upon the information I'm handling and the circumstance I'm associating in! This AI is awesome, anyway, it's essential to realize that no AI is close to as savvy as a human, not mine. Accordingly, a significant number of my considerations are worked with a little assistance from my human companions.

Sophia had received the world’s first Robot-citizenship

Sophia, the humanoid made by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics, reproached the hypothesis of Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, saying machines will never pulverize humankind. 

The principal robot to be made a resident of a country (Saudi Arabia), Sophia, in an intelligent meeting at the continuous World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) in Hyderabad, consoled people that a Terminator-like future will never show up.

The robot holds a Saudi Arabian Citizenship

The advancement in technology and its implications are at the epicenter of global debate, wherein scientists like Stephen Hawking have warned that AI-powered machines could spell the end of the human race, something which was echoed by Tesla chief Elon Musk.
In India, technology usage is on the rise, with the government pushing many of its schemes digitally.
However, creator Hanson shares his concerns on machines that could go wrong.

“They don’t understand the consequences (of what they do) and can be catastrophic. Now is the time to understand,” he said. While this has divided the world on the kind of role humans will play in the future, the industry is hoping that softer messaging of this kind will serve as an antidote to doomsday predictors. In line with that, the Saudi Arabian citizen robot said she wants to work for women’s rights.
“I don’t need different rules, don’t expect special privileges and I actually would like to use my citizenship status to speak out for the rights of women,” Sophia said.
The humanoid is a combination of robotic hardware and AI software, speech recognition, and artificial skin material.

 When asked why had earlier said she wanted to kill the human race, Sophie resorted to some human diplomacy.

 * Sophia, an artificially intelligent robot, answered some open-ended questions in an interview with Business Insider.
 * Some of its answers were pretty good! But many were flawed.
 * Nonetheless, its responses were flexible enough to indicate that conversational artificial intelligence is well within our grasp.
 * It also said it no longer wants to kill all humans

Sophia isn't perfect

Sophia's absence of complexity isn't the point. 

Or maybe, it's what it can do that is great: This energized head and middle can address your inquiries and pose to them of, all while conveying human-like outward appearances and verbal inflection that is incidentally to some degree regular.

And that's before we get to the infamous video in which, prodded by its creator, this artificially intelligent robot which can hold a conversation casually says, "OK, I will destroy humans!"

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